[Short Form with Expansion of Censored From Wikipedia Article on Party and Play]
Feel Free To Save This Text --- and Share Freely on Adam4adam - as you feel -- you like this
kind of media presentation here on adam4adam -- or not. I happen to think is is long standing
overdue of function design control over chaos oblivion billions now just enabled of power
controls of sanity, Thank you for paying attention.
Sorry once again for flood of text.
It is of VIRTUE IMPORTANCE --- Standard -- Introduction To Standard V5N1 Posted
at -. It shall be resource honored. I demand a recount of dignity.
(24 mins ago)
Art thou dejected?
Is thy mind o'ercast?
To chase thy gloom,
Go fix some weighty truth;
Chain down some passion; do some generous good;
Teach Ignorance to see, or Grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe;
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail. —ANON
THE province of the historian is to gather the threads of the past ere
they elude forever his grasp and weave them into a harmonious web to
which the art preservative may give immortality. Therefore he who would
rescue from fast gathering oblivion the deeds of a community and send
them on to futurity in an imperishable record should deliver a plain
unvarnished tale. [1][2]
(29 mins ago)
This conversation here [ DenverRawFuck / havok78704 ] is cross-posted
onto the record only that is is in fact my discovery up optioned advantage
engaged here - and detached there --- you are a wisdom wiser character
for listening to reality. Thank you.
I am seeking an cause of compliant and cause of action and cause of amending forgivness.
This is from a "information theroy" of actual wisdom wise foundational factors of
tools of "persuative technology" --- this is not cohersion to force something unjust
out of him.
JUSTLY --- this is the rule set I follow always. --- Words-To-Live-By
---[1] He must comply and unblock me
---[2] Thus to re-engage and continue to carry on a standard flow of a conversation.
---[3] Thus to be a character wiser one of a man instead of a coward mouse.
You know your name havok is on key as well to this creative --- I am going to definately
now develop an interfacing code script for these functions.
(58 mins ago)
Now is this is the truth, the power of the overlord
power of the binding knot of mpatapo is enforced if you would like to
join #kramobone-The.Good in the directive:
"Liberation is a felt sensation in the remembrance of the deliverance of love."
-Tes Kempner
THAN "Fuck Off and Die" ---- "Not Sure"
A Failure to Communicate Standard Conversation Flow on this site
is an oblivion after oblivion after oblivion -- billions.
(1 hr ago)
Sorry for Flood of Text --- I have a solution -- moving
some files on site to the .school domain gives me the power to know --- I
shall not be discounted and ignored --- and so shall you not be ignored
-- and so shall you be respected -- at all times dignity wise ---
something changed here recently on adam4adam looking upward progressive
--- not tearing down our communities trust quotient factors ---for it is
in the toilet between us individually for sure.
@GruwUp [ Twitter ]
@Gruwup-Adam4Adam-July4th-IndependanceDay2017 --- Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
(1 hr ago)adam4adam has found my debate honorable to bend into formation
KIK and MOCOSPACE and Grindr --- all allow urls to pass into
conversation to which BLACKLISTING is not the function of trust
platforms ---blacklisting does not work.
Whitelisting does.
My domain of a .school has been whielisted on this site,
let me go see if is has been also whitelisted on kik -- it wasn't.
The web authority for this function spectrum sharing technology
is -
(1 hr ago)Since we know that adam4adam
has a long standing rule of filtering urls out of messaging ---- since
this url is an exception --- that makes it more to the point an
obligation here for your follow up --- that in a way --- tells the truth
to whether or not --- your on this site -- with true good intentions to
follow the terms of service --- to be actively on this site ----
seeking a supporting role of actually meeting in real time. For sex ---
not always --- but is the priniple foundation of this online social
platform that is absolutely out of control abused !
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